Suffering is not your fault.
We suffer mainly in our minds, but it’s not our fault. It's our default.
It’s not our fault because the mind is designed to do exactly what it’s doing—survive. By default it’s a survival machine, not a happiness generator. It’s not our fault, but it is our responsibility to manage. Once we see that suffering is a pattern, we can respond differently and shift away from the default.
We suffer because we believe everything the mind tells us by default. We treat thoughts like facts instead of what they really are: mental weather. Just because it’s cloudy doesn’t mean the sun is gone. It’s still there, shining above it all.
The good news? You’re not broken. You’re not failing at life because you feel anxious, sad, or overwhelmed. You’re human, equipped with a mind doing its default job. But you’re also more than your mind. You’re the awareness that notices the thoughts, the calm beneath the storm.
The moment you realize, “Oh, this is just my mind doing its thing,” is the moment you create space. And in that space, suffering begins to lose its grip. Not because life gets easier, but because you stop holding on so tightly.
It’s not your fault that you suffer. It's just the default way your mind works. To suffer less, notice the default - and choose a different path.